Saturday, May 19, 2007

I got tagged.

The Meme game.

I got tagged by Michelle.

Here are the rules: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. You need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

1. I always tuck my pajama pants into my socks.

2. I once worked at See's Candies. The old ladies look cute in the dress, but I didn't. Go ahead and laugh, I am.

3. I was born in Tennessee.

4. I make terrible gravy, which might actually be a good thing because then we don't eat gravy.

5. I am addicted to the internet, especially blogging, forums, freecycle, and craigslist.

6. I have a quilt I have been working on as a gift that I haven't touched in over a year.

7. I am extremely sensitive to caffeine ever since I was pregnant. If I have any after noon, I'm up all night.

I only have one person on my blog list that hasn't been tagged. Kacy, that's you. :)


Kristen Borland said...

hee, hee! i'm laughing at your picture. that's is totally awesome! i never realized how horrible those outfits were! :)

Michelle said...

Oh my gosh!!! Love the outfit!! That's some seriously hidious attire! Good thing you're so cute to balance things out a little:).

Michelle said...

Alright, I'm going to outblog you...your makeing me look like a bad mommy on the computer all day! Actually, I only get on once a day. Thanks, you noticed:). I know the curtains really make the "king" in the bed funny, you'll have to see them in person soon:).

Coalwell Family said...

uh oh! Alright...I'll do it but give me a week. Lifes crazy right now!

Coalwell Family said...

Uh oh! Alright, i'll do it, but give me a week, life is crazy right now.

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