Friday, July 29, 2011

Bubbles, Slides, and Kazoos

Kimberly turned 3 today!  We all had a fun time celebrating.  She started the day off with a bubble bath in the garden tub and going out for breakfast and a stop to see Papa at work with Daddy.  Then we headed to Lompoc for pizza and games at Mi Amore and an afternoon at the Lompoc Aquatic Center water slides (thanks to Aunt Chelsey for watching Ryan for us so we could go).  We rounded out the evening with more pizza at Klondike's with Grammie Mary and Papa Chuck, opened presents and sang "Happy Birthday" led by Patrick on the kazoo.  Fun times.

A note to my daughter:

Dear Kimberly Jane,

I love you so much.  It's hard to believe it's only been 3 years since you made your debut.  I can barely remember what it was like without you.  You are such a joy!  You have a great personality with lots of spunk and you always steal the show with your cuteness.  You are compassionate, brave, beautiful, adventurous, articulate, and determined.  There are so many things I love about you!  Here are just a handful:

I love your cheesy smile where you squint your eyes tightly and scrunch up your face when I ask you to smile for the camera. 
I love that you like to sleep with just pants on so that your soft blanket is against your belly.
I love the way you ask for "uppie" when you need a hug or to be held.
I love how you love shoes.
I love that you like to have your hair done and never complain about me giving you pig tails.
I love your imagination.  I specifically love that you think you can see Disneyland from your tree swing.
I love how any time you touch something soft (a stuffed animal, a soft jacket, Ryan's head) your fingers go right in your mouth.
I love how you love and play with your brothers.  You keep up with Patrick and can hold your own quite well with him.  And with Ryan you are just so sweet and caring, just a perfect big sister to him.

I can't wait to see you learn lots of new things this next year and I am really looking forward to  having some "girl time" with you while Patrick is at school this coming year.  I see tea parties, dance classes, baking, and swim classes in our future.  :)  Thanks for being you.  God made you so special.  I love you.



Unknown said...

What a fun birthday! And what a sweet letter to your baby girl.

Cherish said...

Amazing how time flies!

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