Saturday, March 10, 2007

Driving Already?

Patrick "drove" his first car today at Grammie and Papa's with his cousin Tomas. Don't worry, he wasn't speeding: his feet don't touch the ground. He also found that he can honk the horn with his forehead. :)

He's not quite 9 months, but he had his 9-month check-up yesterday. He is getting so BIG! HE is in the 25th percentile for weight, height and head circumference. He weighs 19 lbs even and is 28 inches long. He's not quite crawling yet. He gets one leg out to the side, but hasn't gotten up on all fours. In preparation, we're working on babyproofing the house right now. Lots of stuff is going on craigslist or to the thrift store. It feels so good to get rid of the clutter.


Kristen Borland said...


Hi!!! This is Kristen Borland. I don't know if you remember my husband Mike and me from Grace Church's Newly Married Class in SLO. It was a while ago! I still remember going to your house once for a sewing time with all the ladies. Anyway, I've heard bits and pieces about you from Brianna and got a link to your blog from your comments on her posts. Just wanted to say hi! Your little boy is so cute! When is his birthday? Our son Nehemiah is nine months today (March 11). Our older son Zeb will be 22 months old tomorrow (yes, they are a day shy of 13 months apart). Isn't Mommyhood the best?!

Write sometime and tell me about your life and what you are up to down there in Santa Maria. We are in Atascadero.

Kristen Borland

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