Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Here's my latest picture for the photo club. Our current theme is color.

We got a hand me down turtle-shaped sandbox from our friends, the Stoddards, and filled it with Gramma Kitty's bright colored "messy balls". (Patrick's not ready for sand since everything goes in his mouth.) It makes a great place for him to play while I water and weed the garden. He likes to push the balls out and watch them roll away. I'm looking forward to when he's old enough to help me clean up when he's done. :)

Today we had two play dates with two of Patrick's friends, both named Jack. One is 12 months old and the other is 6 months old. Patrick enjoyed watching the older Jack crawl, stand and walk, and showed the younger one how to dance.


Michelle said...

Super cute!!! I love the angle and the colors;). Hey, look, I'm a blogger now!!

Coalwell Family said...

What kind of photo club are you in?? I would LOVE to do that!

I am Katy, said...

Hey Kacy,

I'll email you.

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