Friday, June 8, 2007

Patrick's Birth

Now that you've seen the belly shots and ultrasounds, it's time for the BIG EVENT!

My due date was July 9, 2006. But, Patrick decided to come a bit early. On June 27 at 11pm, my water broke while I was brushing my teeth to go to bed. I had not had any contractions yet, so we called the hospital to see what we should do. They said to get some rest and call back in a few hours if contractions hadn't started by then. Well, 2pm rolled around and still no contractions. (Of course, no sleep either since we were so excited.) They wanted us to come in so they could check to see if my water had really broken. Um, ya, it had! I did not pee my pants. But, since I was having no contractions or pain and came walking in with a smile, they didn't believe me. After doing a test for amniotic fluid, they concluded that my water had indeed broken so I was set up on a monitor to see if I was having contractions. I was, but I couldn't feel them yet.

At about 3:30am I was starting to feel the contractions. At 8am I got in the labor tub. I got out at 11am to go to the bathroom. My midwife came in the room then to check to see where I was at in my labor. I was at 10cm and ready to push! Patrick was born at 11:55am. So, just a little over 12 hours from when my water broke to when he was born. The whole labor and delivery was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. About 15 minutes after Patrick was born, Chuck asked me, "Are you ready to do that again?" My response was, "Not today."

I was in love from the moment I saw Patrick. He had dark red lips, very blonde hair, and a wrinkly forehead. I'll never forget that first time holding him; his little butt fit so perfectly in my hand as I held him to my chest. He had the softest little blonde hairs all around his face and on his back and shoulders. He even had sideburns. I already thought he looked an awful lot like Chuck with his blonde hair, gray-blue eyes and thoughtful wrinkles on his forehead.

About 4 hours after he was born, he met Papa Bob and Gramma Kitty, Uncle Randy and Aunt Chelsey, and Michelle and Matthew Miller. The next day when we got home from the hospital, he met Gracie dog, and Papa Chuck and Grammie Mary for the first time. Grammie Mary had just gotten home from a trip to Austria. She was sure that she'd be back in time, but Patrick decided to come early.


Michelle said...

Awww, I have a tear in my sweet. It's so neat to look back on "the beginning". I can't believe he's almost a year!!! Give him a big hug from me:).

Kristen Borland said...

oh, how sweet!!! there's nothing cuter than a newborn. i will never get used to how precious they are! patrick was a cutie straight from the womb!! and you looked great!

Kristen Borland said...

to clarify, you still look great!!

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