Thursday, July 26, 2007


Here are the rules: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. You need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

So, seven things about me:

1) I love my mom's lasagna, but could do without her pork chops. (It's nothing personal, Mom; I've never had a good pork chop, no matter who has made it.)

2) I have a thing for spray paint. It seems like I always haev some spray paint project that needs to be finished. Right now, I am wanting to spray paint my picture frames in my front room. Maybe it's because I'm cheap and it's an easy way to get a new look without spending any money.

3) I love to dip my fench fries in my Frosty.

4) I've had some of my shoes for more than half of my life.

5) I have swam in the nasty Atascadero Lake.

6) When I was little I wanted to be a veterinarian, a teacher, or a fashion designer. Now, I'm all grown up and have the best job in the world, I'm a MOM!

7) If I could have only one eating utensil, I would choose the spork.

I tag:


Michelle said...

Oh my gosh!! I LOVE dipping my french fries in my frostie! It's that perfect combo of sweet and salty, warm and cold, mmmmm. I can't believe I never knew this about you! Next week we're going to Wendy's! Mmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I share two of those with you! I too love frosty fries, and I swam in the Atas. lake when I was little too (back when you still could).
PS: Cajun porkchops are real good.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to tag you again, but I have another! It is to write five things you love about Jesus.

Brianna Heldt said...

OH MY GOODNESS, you swam in the a-town lake!!!!!!!!!!!! that is seriously hilarious! my parents would never let me and i am grateful for their foresight...that thing is nasty. :)

I am Katy, said...

My parents didn't actually "let" me. In fact, they were pretty mad that I ruined my brand new shoes. (We never could get the smell out of those saddle oxfords.) My cousins and I had been dropped off with their paddle boat to go fishing. We ended up dropping my uncle's favorite fishing pole in the water. We were going to be in big toruble for losing it, so we decided it was a good idea to go in after it. We never did find the pole, so we actually got in trouble twice, once for the pole and then for going in that nasty water.

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