Monday, July 30, 2007

We Went to Disneyland!!!

We took a very last minute trip to Disneyland on Sunday. That's why I was up for 23 hours. On Friday evening our friend Cori, who works as an engineer for Disney, called to see if we'd like some free tickets. The only catch was that they were going to expire on Tuesday the 31st. We weren't planning to take Patrick to Disneyland until he was 3 or 4 years old, but figured since the tickets were free, why not go and see how he does.

We got up at 3:15am and left the house at 4am. We got to Disneyland at 7:15 and made it to the gate just before they opened at 8am. We had a great time going on the rides and meeting some of the characters. Patrick really enjoyed It's a Small World. He sang and danced throughout it as he pointed to the different things to see.

We were really impressed with how many rides Patrick can go on. There were only maybe 5 or 6 of the adult roller coaster rides that he was too little for, one of which is my very favorite ride, Indiana Jones. For that one, we took turns watching Patrick while the other one rode the ride.

We ate our lunch on the bench where Ariel from The Little Mermaid does her character apperance/photo op. That's what the really cute merman picture of Chuck is from. hehehe.

I love the detail that goes into everything at Disneyland, from the rides themselves, to the architecture, to the landscaping and of course the creative design aspects. It all looks so great and they keep the park so clean. All the employees realy seem to enjoy their jobs. How could you not enjoy working at the happiest place on earth, huh? I'm sure Disney treats their employees very well if they are that content doing what they're doing.

The tickets were park hopper tickets, so we got to check out the California Adventure Park too. Chuck went on a few of the scary rides there. He did the roller coaster and two different ones that are free fall type rides. I personally think he's crazy; I could never do those rides. I can barely stomach the little drops in Pirates of the Carribean.

At California Adventure, there is a kids' area with the Bug's Life theme. My favorite of the little kids rides was this one that is supposed to be one of Trip's inventions. I'll have to share a picture of, because it's hard to explain.

We left Disneyland at 9pm to head home. We hit a bit of traffic which slowed us down and we had to stop for caffeine and gas. So, we made it home at 1:15am. At which time Patrick decided he wanted to stay up and play. So, I didn't get to sleep until about 2:30am. I'm functioning pretty well on very little sleep today. I feel like it did most every day when Patrick was a newborn.

Thanks, Cori, you're awesome. We had so much fun. We're already looking forward to taking Patrick again when he is a little older.


Michelle said...

oh how fun!! Awesome pictures!

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