Monday, October 15, 2007

Check out my newly updated website and my brand new blog for BABY BUCKET Slings.

I'm so excited to have my first retail shop carrying my slings. :)
BABY BUCKET Slings are now available at Kids Cut Hut on Broad St. in SLO.


Michelle said...

Nice spit up:). I kept going...that's not patrick?? Duh! That was last year!! How time flies. Gotta' get this years pictures! Start walking little dude:).

joy said...

i didn't know that was you! how cool is that? hope business goes well. very good idea and i love the name!

I am Katy, said...

I changed my screen name because my blogs are linked and I wanted to make it so this blog was a little more private than the other, and so that you can't get here from the other. Anyhow, sorry for the name change.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your slings! How amazing! That's so cool.

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