Monday, October 22, 2007

Please Pray

Please pray for my sister, Amber. She is 24 weeks along in her pregnancy and is experiencing heavy bleeding due to Asherman's Syndrome. She and the baby are doing well, however, there is a possibility that this could cause a very early delivery of her baby. She is in the hospital where they will be giving her medication which will help the baby's lungs develop in case of a premature birth. Please pray that the bleeding will stop and that the baby does not come this early, for Amber's health and comfort and for her husband's strength through this. My parents will be going to pick the other kids up this morning.
Please pray for safe travels for them and peace for the children, they are
both old enough to be very concerned about their mom and new sister. Thank
you for your prayers on their behalf.

Amber and baby are both stable. They were able to stop the contractions and she is not dilated at all. She is still having some bleeding. She will likely be in the hospital for several days and then on bedrest when she is released. Please continue to pray for their family.


Alicia said...

Thank you for sharing. I just e-mailed her a while back but had not heard. I will, we will, be in prayer for her and the baby. I am so thankful that it calmed down a little bit. After 3 months bedrest with Caed, I do know the fears, may the Lord comfort her with His peace. There is so little we can do when a baby is being formed, yet his hands are reaching into that small still place and He is working for good. Give her my love, please. Thanks.

joy said...

how scary. in times like these it is so comforting to know God is in control. i'll pray.

Kristen Borland said...

i'm praying!

Coalwell Family said...

How is your sister doing? That is scary. Your family pictures are fabulous and I love the baby buckets. As soon as I have someone to put in it I will order one :)!

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