Thursday, December 6, 2007

Amber got to hold Abigail!

Hello to all!
Well, yesterday was a big day for me. When I got to the hospital to see Abigail, the nurse told me that we were going to start "kangaroo care" for Miss Abigail (this is what the nurses refer to her as). Kangaroo care is skin to skin contact between the baby and parents. They then asked if I wanted to start right then. I was very excited and nervous. Anyway, things went very well. I held her for about 45 minutes before her oxygen sats started dropping. It is very common at this age for over stimulation. I then went back at 9:00 last night and held her for about an hour. She did much better. Today I went in and held her for 2 hours and she did awesome. I finally had to let the nurses put her back in her bed because I had to go pump. I also have had the opportunity to change 2 diapers. She has the cutest little rear end. She has also graduated from the preemie XS diapers to the preemie S. Yeah! Her feedings are also going well. She seems to be tolerating the milk ok. They have increased her intake to .5 mL every hour and she is on continuous feeding, which means that she is constantly receiving milk through the tube in her stomach at a rate of .5 mL/hour. They will gradually increase this over the next couple of weeks, hoping to reach full feedings at that time. Thank you for your continued support and prayers for our family.

Love, Amber


Kristen Borland said...

that's super news!!!

Alicia said...

I am so glad. She sounds like she is doing really well. Enjoy the cuddles.

Michelle said...

Aww,she looks SOOO happy to hold her precious baby:) What a great Christmas gift:).

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