Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Civil War Christmas Ball

A couple weeks ago we went to a Civil War Dance at the Edwards' Barn in Nipomo. I made my own dress for it. (What a pain! I won't do that again. As it was, I barely finished it 15 minutes before we left and I didn't even get around to making the bow or bonnet that are supposed to go with it. Oh, well.) It was a fun time. Chuck and I danced a few songs with the group and Patrick enjoyed dancing near our seats. Here are a few pictures:


Michelle said...

1. Nice dress, great job, I'm totally impressed!
2. I think you didn't have time to finish the bow and bonnet because I was talking to you on the phone, oops, sorry!!!
3. We didn't get a nice front shot of that snazy shirt Chuck is wearing, I think others might be dissapointed they didn't get to see it!
4. Chuck dances?? I had no idea. Or did you have to do some serious bribing? Impressive.

I am Katy, said...

This is about the only kind of dancing Chuck does. There is a "caller" telling you what to do (sort of like squaredancing) so it's not that hard to do. No experience required. :)

Oh, and don't feel bad about me not finishing my dress. I needed to have started it a week sooner than I did, so 15 minutes on the phone made no difference.

joy said...

i totally agree about the bubble wrap. the free rice thing is so great--cade and i donated just the other night. and, your dress looks so good! can't believe you made that.

Michelle said...

Oops, #3 was supposed to say YOU didn't get a shot, not WE!! I wasn't there so WE couldn't possibly have gotten a shot:). Ha!

Kristen Borland said...

so cool!!!

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