Saturday, January 19, 2008

My Growing Baby and Belly

The baby is now almost 3 inches from head to rump and weighs almost an ounce.

Here are the 2 belly shots I've taken so far:

5 weeks
12 weeks


joy said...

you're so little! you look great.

Brianna Heldt said...

your belly shots crack me up b/c you're so tiny, heehee! where are you hiding that baby? :)

you look great, how exciting to be expecting again!!!

I am Katy, said...

I'm curious to see when I show this time around. With Patrick it was pretty late, but I've heard you "show" sooner with subsequent pregnancies.

Alicia said...

So cute! It will be fun to see your before birth shot!
(Promise me you won't tag anyone to show pics too...tee, hee! Besides I have no glorious reason like you do:)

Kristen Borland said...

okay, what on earth? no left over belly from patrick? i'm not so sure we can be friends now.

I am Katy, said...


Side shots hide my love handles well. :)

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