Friday, January 4, 2008

Patrick's New Bed

We got Patrick a toddler bed for Christmas. But, it isn't just any toddler bed, it's a race car! Chuck always wanted one when he was little, so I guess in a way he's living out his childhood through his son. :) It was blue when we got it, but Chuck painted it red to match his room.

So far, he's taken his morning nap and is currently down for his afternoon nap in it. He got up twice at the start of the first nap, but didn't get out at all when I put him down for his second nap. We'll see how the first night goes tonight.

The cute quilt was made by Patrick's Great Aunt Linda.


joy said...

gotta love the car bed! he's so cute. eli is eyeing this pirate boat bed at costco, but the boys just got new beds last year for christmas, so no pirate bed for him.

Alicia said...

love the new wheels Patrick! I hope you go places in your dreams that you could never go before!:)

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