Friday, February 8, 2008

Abigail's Shower

Last weekend we had Abigail's baby shower. Unlike most showers, she was already here. :) How cute is she?


Alicia said...

Oh you guys, she is so sweet! She looks so healthy too. God is so good. Her profile looks so much like Andrew!
Please tell Amber we are so happy for her. Wish I could have been there.

Kristen Borland said...

i love pink! how fun is it to do girly things like that?!

and yes, she's adorable!!

A thankful heart said...

What a sweet little blessing Abigail is!..and a sweet and beautiful addition to your growing family! I'm so glad you found me.. What an easy way to stay in touch! Go ahead and link me...that was thoughful of you to ask first.. I guess I'm careless, because I didn't ask anyone before I linked them:( Um, I need to congratulate you on this sweet bundle that you and Chuck are adding to your family!! How exciting! I am just so thrilled for you!!Let me know if you need anything at all!!

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