Wednesday, April 30, 2008

26 weeks

It's true; I'm really showing. As you can see, my pre-pregnancy pants no longer button. There's no hiding this belly bump now.


Ellen said...

Hey Katy, so glad to know your health is ok and all is well! I thought I'd pop in and say 'hi' here in blog-land. ;)
I sure enjoyed talking with you at retreat, and hope to do that more!
Have a blessed week, and stay off your feet!! Sorry, that's the 'mom' in me. ;)
Love, Ellen

Kristen Borland said...

wait, wait, wait. your pre-pregnancy pants are just NOW not fitting?

btw, it's a lovely bump!!!!

I am Katy, said...

Well, it's been a couple weeks since they could no longer be buttoned, so I wore a belly band with them. I think I've officially retired them now though and moved on to my maternity pants.

katylinvw said...

so fun! hope you continue to feel well!

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