Friday, April 4, 2008

We Built a Pergola

When I say we I mean Chuck. hehe. Thanks, Chuck. It looks great.

It's nearly finished. As of this afternoon, the top is almost done and one planter has been dug out and 1 grapevine planted. (Ok, that's one part I actually did.) I can't wait to see how it will look in a few years covered in grape clusters. :) The following pics are from day 1. (I'll have to try to remember to take some more pics tomorrow and add them.)


Alicia said...

Looks great! Isn't it good to make those little embelishments! Or, at least, I dream about them:)

I am Katy, said...

It's been a dream for awhile. I finally bought the grape vines so the project had to be done for them. :)

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