Friday, June 13, 2008

Ruth Beth Smith

So, I think we've settled on a name. But, before you start giving your opinion on Ruth Beth Smith, you should know that we will definitely not be naming her that. This is the name Patrick has given her. For a couple months he was calling her Ruth and for the past several months now it has switched to Beth. The funny thing is is that he doesn't even know anyone by these names and came up with them completely on his own. There's a few too many "th" sounds going on in that name to even consider it though. It may take awhile for him to get used to calling her something else; when we've told him the baby's real name, he says, "No. Beth."

So, we really do think we've decided on a name. Bet you'd like to know, huh? Sorry, no spoilers. You'll have to wait until she's here. :)


Ellen said...

Both are very nice names, separately!!! ;)
Looking forward to hearing what the REAL name is, but I guess I will have to be patient.

Sarah Griffin said...

That's very funny.. after it was all over I ended up naming my baby sister when she was born. We were 22 months apart- my mom said I called her Amy throughout the pregnancy, and although they had planned to go with "Bethany Rose" once she was out they took one look at her and decided I was right- so she was called "Amy Janelle"... Can't wait to hear what you decide to call your sweet little "Ruth Beth Smith"! :)

Kristen Borland said...

ah, you're tricky!

joy said...

that's so great that patrick picked such wonderful, real people names. eli kept suggesting tree and rock and train for esther.

The Mancuso Family said...

So cute! I like Patrick's choices, though I do agree about there being too much "-th" sound. I will look forward to hearing the real name when she arrives.

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