Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Baby Update

10 days to go 'til my due date. I had an appointment today and the midwife thinks this girly is between 7 and 7 1/2 lbs right now. I was 2-3 cm dilated and she stripped my membranes. We'll see if that gets things going or not. So far, nothing feels any different, same old Braxton Hicks and mild cramping, but no labor contractions. I'm hoping for Thursday. She'd share a birthday with Gramma Kitty and the same midwife that delivered Patrick is on-call all day Thursday.


Andrea said...

I was in labor 24 hours after having mine stripped. Go on a long walk! =) She will be here soon!

Sarah Griffin said...

Good luck Katy! I'm 4 days past due right now.. have an appointment today, and hoping they will strip the membranes as well- but who knows! Babies will be here soon! :) Can't wait to see pics. Wishing you a quick labor & easy delivery!

Alicia said...

we are going to be gone for three weeks but i'm gunna try to read a few blogs from somewhere while away. i am so excited for you guys and pray for a wonderful birth of your baby girl. i'll look forward to news.

Ellen said...

still waiting...waiting...waiting...!!
You are on the homestretch, well covered with prayer!

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