Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Kimberly Jane Smith

Born 7/29/08 at 2:35am

7lbs 1 oz

19.5" long

Everybody is doing great!


The Mancuso Family said...

Congratulations and Welcome Kimberly! We are so happy for you.

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! I'm so glad that Kimberly is here safe & sound. God's blessings on your family!

Brianna Heldt said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Katy you look wonderful, the baby is adorable, and I LOVE the name--especially Jane. Okay, I guess I'm biased because of my own little Kaitlyn Jane.

Your family is beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!! Congratulations!!!! She is beautiful!! I hope you get a chance to rest and enjoy your little girl! Can't wait to meet her in person! ~ Corinne

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