Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Cathcing Up

I've gotten a bit behind, so here are some random photos of our week.

Atascadero Zoo
Sleeping in the Sling at the Zoo
Skipping Rocks at the Atasacdero Lake

Papa Bob and Kimberly
Kimberly's first time in a Wrap
(Kristen, this is the brown and blue fabric I was talking about)

Father/Son Camping Trip
Cousins- Kimberly 7/29 and Ben 7/30
Sweater Made by Kristen
Avila Barn

Feeding a Baby Goat
Sleeping in the sling at Avila Barn

Avila Barn


Coalwell Family said...

Love all the pics...Kimberley is beautiful! Sorry I missed your shower...I have been out of town for the past month on several trips! I hope to meet your little girls soon.

Kristen Borland said...

oh she's so cute in the sweater! and i LOVE the brown/blue fabric! if you have enough, could you make one in that fabric? just let me know how much i'd owe you.

cousins so close in age is sooo fun! both our boys have cousins close to their age, and our little girl will have two close to her age. very fun!

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