Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Are we really ready for the potty?

Patrick has had a sudden interest in using the potty. Yesterday, he wanted to sit on the potty between diaper changes. Usually he only sits for a second, does nothing and tells me he's done. But this time he was wanting to sit for awhile so I went and got a book to read to him. While I'm reading, he starts peeing and gets the biggest smile. Yay! His first pee on the potty!

I asked him if he wanted to try to poop on the potty too and he said yes. I was telling him he needed to squeeze the poop out. He grabs his penis and squeezes really hard. So I told him that's where the pee comes from, but the poop comes from the back. So, I showed him how to squeeze his cheeks together. (Yes, I demonstrated.) He thought it was funny. So, he tries several times to squeeze the poop out and actually got a few tiny squirts. Yay! He was so excited. He didn't want to put a diaper on after that, so he wore his Bob the Builder underwear for a bit until we were leaving for lunch.

Then today before his shower I took his diaper off and asked him to use the potty. He sat for a second and said he was done, then he proceeded to pee on the floor soaking the rugs. Just what I needed, another load of laundry to do.

Then this evening when I changed his diaper I asked him if he wanted to go pee on his potty and he said yes. He ran to the bathroom and shut the door. I followed him, but didn't catch the door before he locked it. I hear tinkling, but it sounds more like it's hitting the floor rather than the plastic potty. He starts yelling "Mommy, I did it, I did it!" Then I hear a slip and crash followed by screaming. I have no way to get in to comfort him because he locked the door. I ask him to unlock the door so I can come in and help him and he slips and falls again while trying to get there. Then there's more screaming, much louder this time. He finally managed to unlock the door. I can't believe the amount of pee on the floor and after falling in it twice, he was covered in it. Time for another shower.

I'm thinking I need to buy 2 new sets of rugs that can hold up to repeated washings so I can rotate them through the wash until he's potty trained. Ahh, the adventures in potty training. I have no clue what I'm doing. He wasn't supposed to be interested yet; I haven't gotten to read any books on it, so I'm probably doing it all wrong.


The Mancuso Family said...

Yeah for the potty! It really is exciting. They are sure growing up fast!

Kristen Borland said...

nehemiah has been showing some interest too, but i've been telling him he has to wait (despite the fact that people say do it when they are interested and not wait because then they won't be interested anymore). first of all, with a baby coming soon, it's not a good time because the change might disrupt all he learned, and let's just say he won't take to being a big brother the way patrick did! plus, nehemiah is still so emotional about things, though i feel like he's starting to control that better. i want that to improve a little more before we do the potty training.

my advice is the best method is concentrated effort, not little tries here and there. that way they learn all at once, make the switch, and it doesn't drag on for months and months. this is how my mother-in-law trained her 7 kids (6 of whom were boys!). i heard about the book _Toilet Training in Less Than a Day_ from a friend, and it's the same idea my mother-in-law used. the book is a little old, so some of it is kind of funny. (and oh yeah, don't read the section on potty training a mentally handicapped kid, because we had just lost amanda and i was pretty offended by the archaic language and ideas in that chapter!)

basically, you spend a morning with just you and patrick (kimberly and chuck would have to be gone). you pick a room (with tile!), like the kitchen (if you have a little potty chair) or bathroom, and you spend two to four hours (or longer if needed) in that room. i know, it sounds bad, but it goes quickly. we did it in 2 hours and 45 minutes. there's a whole method, levels of instruction (it starts with teaching the child to train a potty doll, and we bought one for this--and it's anatomically correct for a little boy!--and you can definitely borrow it if you'd like), practices, etc., to keep you busy for all that time. and of course, lots of salty snacks and favorite drinks! then there are some general guidelines for the first day and first few days. zeb had some accidents that afternoon, and some the next day, and i thought all that work was for nothing, but then that was it! he was trained every since then!

i could go on and on about this method! it's great, and it doesn't drag it out. they just really need a good training session so it's all clear, and no going back and forth between underwear and diapers, which is confusing. in fact, the book only suggests pull-up type diapers for night time if the child is still pretty young. we immediately stopped using diapers for nap time (put the potty chair right by his bed), and zeb never had an accident. we put him in pull-ups at night because he sleeps so soundly, and at first they were always dry. but then he started to fill them up because they were on. so we stopped that and just put him in underwear, and he never had an accident at night. that might be a bit unusual. the kid has the most elastic bladder!

obviously, i could go on and on about this!

Alicia said...

oh, my goodness...i was laughing out loud but with one of those "oh, you poor little guy" laughs.
oh, the joy....the pure joy of it all... glad I'm done.
lol hang in there...feel it out.. go with the flow... if it helps, the books were not much help to me. i did the videos too...nope. just took one poop session at a time, one mess at a time, one triumph at a time and used jelly beans for reward.:) (for both of us)

oh, and you have been tagged if you have time for meme between mopping.

Brianna Heldt said...

heehee! yes, potty training is always an adventure. i never have a clue what to do, but i've got 2 out of my 4 potty trained now, hooray!

i'm with kristen, it's okay to tell a kid to wait. i had to tell yosef to wait a few months ago...i just wasn't in a position to take it on at the time. AND i also really agree with how she said it comes down to concentrated effort--not little tries here and there.

just keep reminding yourself that it'll all work out can get frustrating, but patrick is so dang cute, so that should help! :)

Colin Doughan said...

That story is HILLARIOUS Katy!!!! You should submit it to a magazine or something ... maybe you'd win something!! :)

Potty training is exciting and frustrating ... Jackson decided on his own that he wanted to be potty trained when I still had morning sickness with this pregnancy ... not good timing, but I went with it and now he's not even two and a half and is fully potty trained. There's no right or wrong way to do it ... just know that it'll get done eventually! :)

P.S. We've missed you the passed couple of weeks at church. Are you guys feeling okay?

P.P.S. I'm having a baby shower this thursday at a church friends home and would LOVE for you to come. Let me know if you can make it and I'll send you the details. You can email me at

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