Sunday, October 5, 2008

Quilt Retreat 2008

Michelle and I had planned to go on a photoshoot yesterday on our way to Kristin's baby shower, but the rain won. We still wanted to take photos so we stopped by the Quilt Retreat in Atascadero to do a bit of photography. (Click on the slideshow at the end to see Michelle's)


Carolyn said...

Katy & Michelle,
You both took some great photos at the quilt retreat. It was fun to look back through these and remember the fun weekend. The ladies who look at them will be blessed and smile! I enjoyed the fabric piles laid out for coloring and the close-ups of ladies working on their projects. When you see their faces against the backdrop of their projects, you can see the joy in their work. Thanks for capturing some of the look of our weekend.

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