Thursday, October 30, 2008

When I Grow Up . . .

Our conversation this morning:
P: Bye. Work. (Lately he's been playing that he goes to work.)
Me: Bye. Love you. Have a good day at work.
Me: Hey Patrick, Where do you work?
P: Base.
Me: When you grow up do you want to be an engineer like Daddy?
P: No. Monkey.


Alicia said...

hmmm...thumb? banana? thumb? banana?
what a great set of pics and a wonderful start at a great calling.:)

Tricia said...

How Cute! It looks like he had a fun day at work.

Kristen Borland said...

ahh... cute monkey!!

joy said...

man, your kids are so cute! i'm going to try those biscuits--those sound good!

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