Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy Birthday to Chuck!

Today is Chuck's 29th Birthday. We were supposed to be out of town last night camping at Refugio, but instead we stayed at home (more on that later). We started off the day with homemade waffles, eggs, and chocolate milk. Then, Chuck opened his presents from me and the kids: new pjs and a shop stool for his workbench in the garage. Then, Gramma Kitty came over and played with Patrick so we could finish tearing out our flooring. (We're putting tile in our kitchen and dining room. Yay, no more carpet under the table.) Then it was off to one of our new favorite eats, Cravings Deli, for some delicious sandwiches. This afternoon, Chuck went for a motorcycle ride out to Colson Canyon while I swept and mopped the floor. Tonight we're going to do a dry run with the tiles to decide on placement and make sure we have enough. But, for now, we're off to dinner with our parents to Roadhouse Grill to celebrate Chuck's 29 years.

We ended up staying in town because Patrick got a cold this week and eventually eded up having to go to the doctor because he was wheezing. Turns out he has asthma, like Chuck.  We had hoped we were in the clear since he hadn't shown any signs of it until now. Even his doctor had said at his 2 year appointment that he probably would not have asthma if he hadn't shown signs of it yet.


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