Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Patrick Makes Me Smile

The funny things he said today:

"What do you want for Christmas?" "Cake."

While he's swatting at the 2 flies that came to torment me today. "Shoo fly, don't bother me." He says Gramma Kitty taught him that. But I think it's also in the movie Bug's Life, so he may have picked it up there.

He's still saying "Man!" when things go wrong. I can't imagine where he picked that one up.

He's finally saying Kimberly's name correctly and it's so cute. He went from calling her Enowee, to Baby Nowee, to Kimi, to Kimberly.

He's been trying to sing the Humpty Dumpty rhyme all day. Tonight at dinner when he was singing I asked him "What did humpty dumpty do?" His response was, "Work." When Chuck asked him where Humpty Dumpty works, he said, "Base" (as in the Air Force Base). So, I guess that means Daddy works with Humpty Dumpty.

Well, those are the ones I remember, though I'm sure he said some other funny stuff too.


joy said...

he is so funny! i love the cute things kids say. and little kimberly is seriously cute. i just want to kiss those cheeks!

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