Last week my dad and I took the kids to Firestone in SLO for lunch, then we stopped by Avila Valley Barn to see the animals. We were making our way around when we saw a rooster sitting on top of one of the pens. It was super friendly. As my dad is standing there talking to it, it hops over onto his shoulder!

Ever since, every time we pray Kimberly says, "Thank you. Papa's head." I'm not sure if she's thanking God for letting it happen since it was really funny to watch, or if she overheard me ask if it had scratched him." Either way, it's super cute. Although she has been waking in the middle of the night and when I go check on her and tuck her back in she says, "Mama, pray. Papa's head." The night before last she was in tears because she wanted to keep praying for his head despite the fact that it was 2am and we had already prayed several times that night for Papa's head. I finally just told her that she could keep praying, but I was going back to bed. I think I could learn a bit about praying without ceasing from my daughter. This girl is persistent, even when sleep is involved.
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