Saturday, February 5, 2011

Introducing Ryan Eljay Smith

Our little guy was born on Thursday, February 3rd, at 2:57 am. He weighed in at 6lb. 14 oz. and measured 19 1/2 inches long.

The labor and delivery were even easier than with Patrick and Kimberly since my waters stayed in tact until I was ready to push. At 8cm i was still smiling and talking through contractions! With the others I was in no mood to talk by about 4cm. After 3 pushes Ryan literally came flying out and the midwife and nurse scrambled to catch him before he went off the bed. His umbilical cord had a true knot in it which is rare (it happens about 1% of the time) and is considered good luck if the baby survives.

We are all in love with him. Patrick would be content to hold him all day long. When he first met him he said, "I think he loves me" and last night he asked, "Mommy, can we keep him forever?" Kimberly likes to rub his head and suck her fingers. She also likes to bring him soft toys to snuggle with.

So far, Ryan seems to be the mellowest of our kids. He tolerates constant physical attention and noise very well and rarely makes more than a squeek and only when he's poopy or hungry


Kristen Borland said...

he sounds like such a sweetie! and what a little bundle of cuteness. congratulations again!

the labor/delivery sounds awesome. my third was the easiest too (though not as easy as yours because i certainly wasn't smiling!). have fun with your little family!!

Jaime said...

Yay yay yay!!! Congratulations!!!

Cherish said...

Congratulations! I'm glad you had an easy birth. You have such a cute little family!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Katy! You look radiant.

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