Monday, June 27, 2011


Dear Patrick,

I am so proud to be your Mommy and I love you so much. I love that you are so loving, affectionate, energetic, determined, sentimental, athletic, smart, eager to help, and creative. You are anything but dull. You're a ton of fun to play with. You're getting really good at playing games like hide and seek, sardines, checkers, go fish and war. And, you're crazy good at riding your bike and playing baseball! I really enjoy watching you learn knew things. You draw the best pictures of racecars, rocketships, rainbows, boats, and people and I love how you write your name in all caps and meander around the page wherever there is room for the next letter. You're going to love kindergarten so much!!! I'm really looking forward to the next year with you. I'm so blessed to call you my son. Happy 5th Birthday, Patrick.

Lots of Love,



Kristen Borland said...

Happy Birthday, Patrick!!

Cherish said...

What a handsome boy he is! Happy birthday!

Jaime said...

SWEET!! Have fun at his party; wish we could be there!!

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