A couple days ago Patrick found the poker chips and wanted to play with them. I figured he would probably use them for counting or stacking or sorting by color or making patterns. But, he thought it would be fun to make pictures with them, so I made a boat and a dinosaur. Then I left him to play by himself while I did some chores. He came and got me a few minutes later to show what he had made with the chips. I came in to find he had made a "V" shape with them. He asked me, "So, what do you think?" I told him, "I like it. It looks like a pyramid or a tent." He told me, "No, Mommy, it's an "A". Which of course it did, minus the middle bar. So, I showed him where the bar went and he proceded to make a half dozen more "A"s. Today he wanted to play again. This time we spent about 40 minutes and went through the whole alphabet. We'd make the letter, say the sound, and then he would sing the song from the Letter Factory, that goes "The A says "a", the A says "a", every letter makes a sound, the A says "a." I was shocked at his interest and attention span since he normally hates instruction of any kind. He never once got frustrated or whined about doing things his way. And, to top it all off after we were done he gave me a hug and said, "Thank you, Mommy, for teaching me my letters." It was so sweet. I'm so glad it went well, because it gives me hope that we won't forever butt heads when I'm trying to teach him things.
We’ve Moved!
4 years ago
Wow. How cool is that? Where was Kimberly? I dont know if anyone would "let" that happen in my house:) We are STILL having trouble with people REALLY getting the shape of letters. This is a great learning excercise.
Kimberly was sleeping. :) That night she found one that missed getting put away and joked on it. So, ya, not recommended for the little ones.
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