Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pregnancy Brain

"Many expectant and/or veteran moms will tell you that they have experienced embarrassing forgetfulness. It goes by many names -- from pregnancy brain, mommy brain, placenta brain, pregnancy amnesia to the kitschy "momnesia." Pregnancy brain tends to start in pregnancy and continue into the postpartum period." Denise Mann, WebMD

I'd like to add that I don't think it ever really goes away. It is certainly worse during pregnancy and for those first few sleepless months, but I don't think I've been anywhere close to fully functioning since that very first time I peed on a stick back in 2005.

True Story from March of 2010:

I'm walking through the mall today with my mom and kids getting in some excercise despite the rain outside. I'm holding Kimberly on my hip and trying to keep Patrick within eyesight as he prefers to do his own thing and run ahead or trail behind us. My mom is pushing the empty stroller. Well, I guess techincally it's not empty; it has snack bags, my jacket, my purse, my mom's purse and Patrick and Kimberly's animals in and/or on it. Which is the reason that I still bring it, because we all know the kids won't ride in them the whole way and we'll end up carrying them and all the stuff too. Anyhow, as we approach the escalator my mom asks if I want to take the escalator down. I thought for a moment and answered with, "That's fine, but we'll have to take Kimberly out of the stroller first." She looked at me funny. It took me a moment to realize I was holding Kimberly. Oops. I totally understand losing your pencil behind your ear or losing your sunglasses on top of your head, but a 22 lb. girl in your arms? Ya, that's pregnancy brain in action.

And, as if that were not enough for one day, tonight when Chuck fed the dog he told me that there was probably only enough dog food for him to feed her tomorrow night. I asked if that meant there was enough for the morning too or not. I could always go get some tomorrow, but it would be great if there were enough for her morning feeding. Then it dawned on me, I already stoppped at Farm Supply today and picked up dog food. And, even if I hadn't, if there were enough for one more night feeding, that meant there was enough for one more feeding. Total pregnancy brain.


A.A.H. said...

I left my wallet at the store twice, left two redbox movies in the shopping cart, and left the water running outside in the planter for 12 hours. All this happened in the month of May alone. I blame the fact that I have not gotten more than six hours of sleep at a time (and that's on a good night!) since Brayden was born. I have hope that one day I will sleep again and therefore, find my brain again. :)

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