Monday, April 30, 2007

Our First Camping Trip

This weekend we camped at Lopez Lake with our friends Brian and Michelle and their almost 2 year old son, Matthew. It was Matthew and Patrick's first time camping. We had a great time. Patrick learned to say "Dada" on Saturday. I'm sure spending the day with Chuck while Michelle and I went to a ladies' retreat had something to do with it. And, hearing Matthew say "Daddy" to Brian all day. :) It's so cute to hear him say "Dada" in his deep voice. Now Chuck knows what it feels like to have Patrick say his name too. It's a very special feeling.
I've joined a photo club; I'm hoping to improve my photography skills and learn how to use my camera. Our current theme is black and white. This pic is of Patrick telling a story at breakfast on Sunday at Lopez Lake.


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