Monday, July 16, 2007

Patrick's First Buzz Cut

Patrick got his first real haircut last night. Up until now, I had only cut his hair once and all I had done was trim the hair around his ears. Well, this time, he got a full buzz cut with the clippers. Since his hair is so blonde, it's not very noticeable, but it turned out really cute. He kind of looks bald again. :) He looks so adorable and grown up. He was such a good boy for the haircut too. I was surprised that he didn't fuss at all. He actually seemed to like it. Chuck helped entertain him by getting out measuring spoons and measuring cups for him to play with.


Kristen Borland said...

handsome dude!

Michelle said...

Wow, it actually was a lot of hair! Maybe next time Matthew can come watch Patrick get his hair cut, then he won't mind it as much for himself?

I am Katy, said...

It's worth a try.

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