Monday, July 16, 2007

What I've Been Up To Lately

*The slideshow that was previously on this post has been removed so that I don't go crazy hearing that song one more time. I'm sure you all thank me to. :)


Kristen Borland said...

how fun! love the song!

Michelle said...

I can't believe you cage your child and then tell everyone he's "playing" in the dog's box. So cruel! He he. Love the slideshow!!! I also love how for every picture you show, in my head I go "wow, matthew is totally opposite of that". For example...Patrick is playing sweetly in the sand in one spot. Matthew played sweetly in the sand ALL OVER the beach, then in the water, then didn't want to play in the sand at all, just the waves in the water and wouldn't sit to play in the sand. And the buzz cut!! Matthew flipped with the buzzer going and us trying to "buzz" off his hair that he worked so hard to grow! Patrick just smiles and lets you cut!! So funny:). I'm so happy they like each other though!!

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