Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Puzzles with Grammie Mary.

Reading with Mommy.

Reading to Mommy.


Lovin' on Dog.

Mmmm. Beans.

Eating Breakfast . .


From a dump truck!

My stylin' new jammies

My favorite puzzle piece, CAT.

Does anyone else have trouble labeling a list of pics? It always is tricky to get the layout. I've already edited this post about 6 times to fix it and it's still not right. It shows the wording correctly in preview mode, but once I post it strings the words along the side of the pictures one letter at a time.


Alicia said...

Cute pics! I love frog stuff for boys.
Yes, I have had the same problem. I find I do bettter if I post the photo under "none" for alignment (as opposed to "left, right, center". and then more it myself. If you click on the photo and then click the center typing it will move to the center and you can write just below it. Does that make sense? You do that once it is in your wording. You may also wan to switch to HTML mode to fix your typing. Sometimes once it's messed, you have to start all over again. It can be frustrating.

Michelle said...

Beans beans the magical fruit, the more you eat the more you...

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