Saturday, September 22, 2007

Today was spoil Patrick day. :) We hung out with Gammie Mary all day long. Not only did Patrick get lots of attention and loving from Chuck's mom, but he also got spoiled with gifts. We went to Toys R Us and Patrick got a new ball, a wooden train, and two cool wooden puzzles that make animal and vehicle sounds.

Then, we went to Wendy's for lunch where we happened to run into Papa Bob, Uncle Randy and Aunt Chelsey, and Chelsey's Grandma Kathie. We had no idea they would be there, but it made for a fun impromptu gathering. (It was really funny hearing my dad and Chuck's mom try to explain to the waitress that they were the grandparents, but that they weren't married, especially since they happened to be sitting next to each other.) LOL

After lunch, we headed to Kohl's where Grammie bought Patrick some new pajamas. They are super cute, big boy-style ones. (I'll have to post a pic of him in them sometime.) After Kohl's we went to the mall and Patrick got new Converse shoes. He just got some size 3 ones a little over two months ago and he has already outgrown them! And, the 4s were even too small today when we tried them on, so he's in size 5 shoes now! He's growing so fast.

For dinner we had take out Olive Garden and for dessert Grammie Mary made a Paula Dean recipe for peach and blueberry cobbler. It was yummy. :)

The new face of Wendy's:


Michelle said...

"Made to order.That's right." Fun day!!! Matthew got spoiled today but he doesn't know it. I went to Marshalls to find some long sleeved shirts, but they had sooo many cool toys and they were ones I've been looking for, so he scored big time. I think some of them might be Christmas presents and some are coming out soon because he's gettin' a little bored with his toys...he needs some "big kid" stuff!

Alicia said...

There's nothing like a fun day of baby shopping! Let alone Olive Garden!
I know what you mean about "big boy pjs". It was hard for me to make that transition but he sure was cute. I missed those carters sleepers though when they were gone.:(

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