Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Daniel Doll

This last week I borrowed my sister's doll from when she was little to use as a prop for demonstrating my slings at a grand opening event for Kids Cut Hut. MY mom brought the doll to me that morning. When Patrick saw the doll he was very apprehensive about it. He probably thought it was real. When I put it in a sling to try it out, he strted screaming like he was mad that I was holding another baby. He wanted nothing to do with the thing.

Later in the day when we were in the car, I asked him to give Daniel a kiss and he did, then a hug. By the end of the day, they were best buds. :) Here are some pictures from that evening.

Patrick identifying Daniel's body parts:

Giving him kisses:

Playing cars and trucks with him:

And, of course, (since he's a boy) wrestling:

I'm not sure if it's a fair match up though since they'd be in different weight classes. Poor Daniel.


Kristen Borland said...

Looks like he's ready for a sibling...

Michelle said...

I agree, he he.
How cute is that!!
Something else cute?? Look on my blog:).

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