Thursday, November 8, 2007

Update on Amber

Here is an email she sent out as an update:

Hello to all!
Just wanted to send an update on my pregnancy. First of all thank you to everyone who has been praying for us. Your prayers have really been evident in our lives. For those of you who may not know, we have had a trying last couple of weeks. Two weeks ago tomorrow, I was ambulanced to the hospital with heavy bleeding. Wow, what a scary thing to not know what was going on. I met my doctor at the hospital at 6:00 a.m. where he did an ultrasound. The baby was moving around and not in any distress. After admitting me to the hospital, everything went well throughout the day until that evening. We thought that we were going to have a baby right then at 24 1/2 weeks (about 1 lb. 14 oz.). They had turned on the warmer for the baby, and alerted the Neonatal nursery. Fortunately though, I just passed some rather large blood clots and they were able to give me an injection to calm the contractions and let my body rest. They also gave me a steroid injection to help develop the baby's lungs in the event that she is premature. I ended up staying in the hospital for 4 full days and was discharged on Friday morning. The bleeding has now subsided, but I am on limited activity bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy, which consists of being up to go the bathroom, and for meals. Otherwise, I will be on the couch. The doctor wants me to make it to at least 32 weeks, but the longer the better.
As for the bed rest, the kids and I are staying with my parents in Santa Maria for the next two months, so that I am closer to healthcare. My doctor was concerned with me being an hour and fifteen minutes from the nearest hospital. I will however be able to return home after Christmas pending all goes well between now and then. Please pray for continued safety through the remainder of my pregnancy, the health of the baby, wisdom for the doctors, safety in travel for for my husband as he will be commuting to see us every two weeks, and sanity for my Mom as she handles a 5 yr. old and a 4 yr. old.
Love in Christ,Amber


Michelle said...

Still praying for a full term baby:). Hugs!

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