Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Girls Night with Michelle

On Saturday night, Michelle and I went out while Chuck watched Patrick and the two Nana Carolyn's watched Matthew. We went and took photos at this really cool place Michelle had found. I found that my little point and shoot camera does not do so well at night for landscape pics (they all turn out blurry because it's impossible to hold it still enough), so I ended up mostly taking some silhouette shots of Michelle using her brand new lens for the first time. Her shots are a hundred times better than mine, so check out her blog (Miller Family) for the real pics.

We also went clothes shopping at ROSS and I tried on two of the ugliest bathing suits I have ever seen in my life. They were so bad, that I won't even post a pic on here. I'd hate to make anyone lose their last meal.

As all good Girls Night Outs end, we stopped at Rite Aid and got ice cream. Mmmm.


Michelle said...

Ohh, I like the last silhouette pictures of me...not because they're me, but because they're cool!!! And maybe because they are me but you can't see my face! I had so much fun:).

Kristen Borland said...

cutie girls! totally bummed you didn't post any bathing suit shots!

Andrea said...

Hey Katy,
I haven't been on your blog for a while so I thought I would check it out and say hi. Patrick is getting so big! He is a handsome little man =) Ella just turned 1 and I still can't believe it! It looks like you guys are all doing great!
-Andrea Giorgi

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