Sunday, November 18, 2007

Abigail is here!!!

Amber's tiny girl was born last night at 29 1/2 weeks.

A note from my mom (Gramma Kitty) with all the details:

Our new Granddaughter, Abigail Joy was born by C-section at about 9:00 Saturday night. She was born 10 1/2 weeks premature. Amber had some bleeding a month ago and again Saturday morning. We took her to the hospital where they spent the day monitoring her. At 8:15ish her water broke so she had an emergency C-Section. Amber and Abigail are doing well. The baby lost a lot of blood so there is some concern about her vital organs, but so far things look okay. She seemed to be moving around a lot and she responded to Erik's touch. She weighed in at 2 pounds 13 ounces and is about 16 inches long! She looks like a miniature version of Madelyn with Amber's dark complexion. Praise God that Amber's water broke and alerted the doctors that there were more complications than suspected and that Amber and the baby are doing well. The neonatologist told Erik that if she were his baby he would be very pleased with her condition at this point. Please continue to pray for her health, for her organs to all be functioning properly and for her to develop and gain weight over the next several months. They would love to know that you are keeping them in your prayers.
Robert & Carolyn


Alicia said...

YES! We will continue to pray and ...Congratulations!!!! I cannot believe I was just there days ago, and! I hope you are able to share pics when Amber is okay with it. I will post a link to your update here because many were asking at church.

Kristen Borland said...

we will pray!!

Tricia said...

We will continue to pray for Amber, the baby, and the whole family. Congratulation on the precious little girl.

Michelle said...

Praying for Amber and little Abigail. If you guys need anything let me know. Give her a big hug from us! Congratulations on this precious little life!

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