Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Update on Amber and Abigail

Here's the latest on the baby and Momma. Amber came home from the hospital yesterday afternoon, a little bit sore, but doing pretty well. She was able to spend an hour with Abigail in the NICU before leaving. Abigail is stable, breathing on her own, and pretty active. They inserted a PIC line so they could use it as a port for meds and blood draws so they don't have to keep poking her with needles.
She responds to touch, Gramma even got to touch her little foot. It's not even as big as Gramma's pinky. Abigail has a little jaundice so she has been under the lights. They seem pretty pleased with where she is. She had a brain scan this morning with no quick
news today which should mean that all was good. Please continue to pray as
Amber and Erik will be travelling from Santa Maria to San Luis daily until they are able to spend more time with the baby. A church in SLO has offered a spot for to park my grandparent's motorhome, so that may be their long term housing. Pray for Abigail's continued progress, that any complications will be minor and that she will be able to be held and cuddled soon. Andrew (5) and Madelyn (4) are asking a lot of questions about why they can't see their new baby, please pray for them to be comforted by just being with mom & dad until they are able to see her. Thanks for your loving messages and prayers.


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