Saturday, December 1, 2007

Abigail Update from Amber

Hello to all!

I just wanted to update everyone on Abigail. She is doing very well. She was 3 pounds 1 ounce today, so we are gaining a little weight. They have yet to start feeding her milk, as they have been waiting for her stomach to mature. Probably the beginning of next week. I have however been pumping regularly, so she has a good supply of breast milk to get her off on the right start. She is very active and likes to keep the nurses busy.
Tomorrow, December 1, she will undergo a surgical procedure at 12:00 p.m. to close a valve in her heart. They have tried medication to close it, but she was resistant. The condition is called patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), and is very common in premature babies. A specialist from Valley Children's in Fresno will come over to perform the procedure. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors and nurses and for Abigail's quick recovery, as we are anxious to hold our precious little girl for the first time.

Thanks for your prayers!



Anonymous said...

hi there
you guys are in our prayers.
with love in Christ...the Healer,
the Mike Caldwell Family

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