Saturday, December 1, 2007

What we did on my birthday.

Today is my 27th birthday. So, do I still get to say mid-twenties, or am I technically in my late-twenties now? Where's the cut-off?

Today we went to the tree farm and got our Christmas tree. Prices were definitely higher than last year at the place we went to in Los Alamos. There was a bit of sticker shock, but it was still really fun. Patrick really liked touching the trees.

We also went to the Santa Maria Christmas Parade of Lights this evening with my family. Papa Bob hooked us up with some great seats in the driveway at his work so we didn't even have to go early for our spots righ tnext to the announcer. Patrick really enjoyed watching the parade and actually sat still in his stroller for most of the 2 1/2 hours. One of the coolest parts was the fly-over by a CHP helicopter with its search light on.


Alicia said...

Happy Birthday Katy!!!!!
You are so young! I think the cut off is 25 though dear, then you are "late twenties". If that makes you feel bad, don't. Soon you will get to say you are "early thirties" like me and that sounds a little better! :) I actually like the stage of life I'm in, I feel better about being a mom now than I did in my "late twenties". God is good!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a fun day:). How did Abigails surgery go?

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