Monday, December 31, 2007

A Quick Trip

Patrick stayed home with Gramma Kitty and Papa Bob while Chuck and I got out for our first overnight date in a 1 1/2. We had a great time staying at the Carlton Hotel in Atascadero. We spent the first afternoon shopping in SLO and having lunch at Flame Bay, then we headed over the grade. We went to dinner at AJ Spurs in Templeton; it was very good. After we got back to the hotel, we walked over to the park and watched people ice skating. It was beautiful out with all the trees in the park lit up for Christmas. The next day we went out to breakfast at the Cowgirl Cafe and then shopped a bunch of thrift stores as we made our way home. We had so much fun getting out just the two of us. Well, three technically, I guess. :) And, Patrick did just fine staying with Gramma and Papa, so I can see more overnight dates in our future. We're hoping to do some more local one night dates, so if you have any great recommendations for local places to stay, please leave a comment.


Alicia said...

That sounds like a great date! They become precious to you don't they. My kids really wanted to see the ice skating and we did not make it. I'm so glad you got to get away, and thrifting too! Wonderful.
Oh, and your pic is so cute too. Such a couple:).

I am Katy, said...

Isn't it still going? Last year it went through the first week of January, I think.

Michelle said...

Hey, I'd ask if this was a baby making trip, but I guess that's already done! He he he:).

I am Katy, said...

ha, ha. You're so funny.

Kristen Borland said...

how fun!!

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