Thursday, December 27, 2007

That's right . . .

I'm pregnant. I figured I'd share with you the same way we told our parents. I made my favorite cookies, Russian Tea Cakes, (see previous post for pic) and powdered half in blue sugar and the other half in pink sugar, and took them as my contribution to the Christmas Eve meal at my parents' house. It didn't take either of our moms long to figure out the meaning of pink and blue cookies.

I'm currently just shy of 9 weeks pregnant and Baby Smith is due August 1, 2008.

Here's the baby's first photo taken at 6 1/2 weeks.


Tricia said...

Congratulation! How exciting!

Coalwell Family said...

I was wondering if #2 was coming soon. congrats!

Michelle said...

Yeah!!! Again:).

Alicia said...

Wow Katy and Chuck! I'm so glad to hear your news! Congrats indeed!
Those cookies are lucious too! That's my favorite cookie as well. I never thought to color them. How did you color the sugar?

I am Katy, said...

To color the sugar you put it in a blender and add about 5 drops liquid food coloring. It does take more rolls in the sugar to get the color right. It took several rolls to get the blue ones to not look green.

joy said...

congratulations!what exciting news. how are you feeling?

I am Katy, said...


I feel pretty good. In the very begining I was pretty tired. I've only thrown up once so far. Im hungry more often, but can't eat much when I do eat something.

Andrea said...

Congrats Katy! That's exciting news! It seems to be going around =)

Kristen Borland said...

cute little peanut!

Brianna Heldt said...

congratulations!!! how exciting!

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