Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Abigail is Home

A note from Amber:

Here is the message that I have been waiting to send.

Abigail Joy Johnson has made it home to be with her family. We picked her up from the hospital at noon. She is now sleeping peacefully in her very own bassinet. She did great in the car, and loved her bath when we got home. Thank you all so very much for your prayers. It was evident that God's hand was in this from the start. When we were talking to the nurse, she was amazed at how well Abigail has come through everything considering her start into this world. She said that she would buy whatever it was that brought us through this situation. I told her that it was prayer, and that it wouldn't cost her a penny. What a testimony. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share that with her. We sure do serve an awesome God. My e-mails will probably slow down at this point, as my hands are going to be full, but I will definitely update everyone on a regular basis. We will remain at my Mom & Dad's for at least 2 weeks, possibly 3 as Abigail has her check-ups here in the area. Thanks again to all and please keep in touch!


The Johnson Family


Alicia said...

That is wonderful news! She is so beautiful! I love the bassinet too! Amber, now you are so far to visit again!:) I'll have to think of something.
Katy, thanks for the update.

Alicia said...

I am writing again to let you know you have been tagged Katy. :)

Cristina Mathers said...

we have the same bassinets as miss abigail! she is so sweet!

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