Thursday, January 17, 2008

Seven Weird Things

I've been tagged by Aicia.

So here goes:

1. I eat my rice and my cream of wheat with lots of butter and brown sugar. (S0, Alicia, I don't think it's weird to add butter to your oatmeal.)

2. I love to eat raw potatoes.

3. I can't sleep unless my pantlegs are tucked into my socks.

4. I wander around the house while I'm brushing my teeth.

5. I've actually considered making my own underwear. I made one pair and decided that it was easier to just buy them.

6. Speaking of underwear, I own a pair of underwear with skulls on them. When I bought them I thought they were flowers, not skulls. I didn't realize it until I was sitting on the toilet one day and looked down at the print.

7. I went to college and got a degree and have never used it for a career. When I graduated, I kept doing the same job I had when I was in college up until I was pregnant with Patrick.

If you want to do this meme on your blog, go for it. I won't tag anyone.


Alicia said...

Your skull underwear had me rolling!
So glad to hear there are some other fans of buttering up warm cereal!
My dad did that wondering while brushing thing. You must be someone who can't sit still too long. Am I right?
Oh, and I rememeber the weird pant and sock thing from the womens retreat. :) I bet Chuck thinks thats cute, or a least I hope so! You should have been in the leg warmer days, or when we use to fold our pant legs over and then up twice. Yes, I am that old. I think those were the days of New Kids on the Block. Eeeek.

I am Katy, said...

I wander because I feel like there is so much other stuff I could be doing with that time I am wasting standing in the bathroom brushing my teeth with only one hand occupied.

Chuck might think the sock thing is cute, but I know for a fact he doesn't think it's sexy. :)

Wow, New Kids on the Block, I think I was in 4th grade when they were the rage. I wasn't into fashion statements at that point. I did have leg warmers when I was in dance though. Gotta love the 80s.

Kristen Borland said...

okay, alicia, you're not that old! i pegged my pants, wore double socks, and loved the New Kids on the Block. oh, good times!

Anonymous said...

I did it too. I bought canvas boat shoes with flowers (actually ended up being skulls). I tried them on, showed my husband, bought them and took them home before I noticed. They couldn't be returned. I still wear them. I love them. I figure everyone thinks they are flowers too.

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