Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Way to go, Chuck!

Chuck just found out he passed the PE licensing exam he took back in October and is now a Professional Fire Protection Engineer. He's one of only 7 in the entire county. I'm so proud of him. :) He put so much time and energy not only into really learning his stuff the first time around while working towards his Bachelor's and Master's degrees, but also studying for a solid 5 months to prepare for this test. Obviously all the hard work paid off. Only 54% of people passed this test on the first try. Way to go, Chuck!


Kristen Borland said...

Woohoo! Good job, Chuck!

Okay, so what does that mean exactly? I don't really know what Chuck does.

I am Katy, said...

It basically means he now has the ability to officially give his "stamp" of approval on behalf of the State on engineering plans/drawings in regards to fire protection.

As far as what he does, he works on base as a mechanical engineer and project manager for the projects involving buildings and structures.

Alicia said...

Wow! Kudos to you Chuck!:)

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