Friday, February 15, 2008

1 Whole Year

I have been blogging for a full year now! My, how time flies.

Here are some pictures from our trip this weekend. The first ones with the barn and pond are at Chuck's Aunt Nancy's 50th Birthday Party in Lemoore. It was a very fun party. Chuck's Aunt and Uncle are really into reenactment stuff, so the party had a pirate theme with very authentic costumes and a great skit. It felt like we were in the movie Pirates of the Carribean. None of the indoor pics came out, so I can't even share the great costumes, but here are some pics of Patrick collecting and throwing rocks into the pond. He would have been happy doing that all day if we'd let him.

The next ones are from Hartland. Patrick had so much fun palying in the snow and ice. He went on his first sled ride and threw his first snow ball. We also got a little cross country skiing in on the ball field. I'm loving my new skis and boots thanks to craigslist and eBay. :) We even had real cherry snow cones while we were there.

This weekend Chuck and I both got to feel the baby kick for the first time. So exciting. I can't wait to find out if it's a he or she. Our ultrasound is scheduled for March 3rd.


Andrea said...

I can't wait to find out what you are having! You will find out on my birthday too, how fun!

Alicia said...

Katy, I love the new look! I've been wondering how to get different blogger templates. How did you do that? You know, I LOVE to re-do everything! I am always looking for new material.
It looks so fun!
Your trip looks so fun.
How far are you along? (baby I mean:) I couldn't tell much from pics.

I am Katy, said...


Click on the orange bar at the top of my blog and it will take you to the template site. Don't forget to save your links elsewhere first because they may not transfer.

I'll be 17 weeks tomorrow.

Blogger Templates by