Friday, February 15, 2008

A New Look

As you can see, my blog has a new look. I figured a year was long enough to look at the same template. The only bummer is that I didn't save my list of friends before I changed templates and I lost them. I was able to find most of you, but a few I couldn't find. So, leave a comment or send me an email with your blog address so I can add you if you're not on my friend list. Thanks.


Ashley said...

Hey! Im glad you found me on here. We were all praying for you and the baby. Im so glad everything worked out. she is BEAUTIFUL! keep updating us with pictures. how is she doing? How are you doing? You have a great looking family. take care!

I am Katy, said...

Hi Ashley. I think you're thinking I'm Amber. I know, kind of confusing since we look alot alike and I have a lot of recent pictures of her family on here. Anyway, I'll pass along the well wishes to her.

Anonymous said...

1. CUTE page!!!!
2. I LOVE your hair down and curly!!!
3. I'm glad you found the other blogs because that's how I navigate through them...I start on yours then go from there.
4. It was fun chatting last night!

Kristen Borland said...

where did you get the new template? i love it!

I am Katy, said...

Thanks, Michelle. I'd do my hair like that everyday if it didn't take so long to dry and curl it, which is the only way it looks decent down.

Kristen, if you click on the orange bar at the top of my blog it will take you to the site. The hardest part of changing your template is choosing one because there are thousands. Don't forget to save your links and such because they may not transfer when you make the change.

Blogger Templates by