Sunday, February 24, 2008

4 Months

Here's my bump at 17 weeks:

We have our ultrasound a week from tomorrow. I can't wait to find out. I'm hoping the baby cooperates. What's your guess? Boy or Girl? Click on "comments" below to leave your guess.


Kristen Borland said...

i'm going to say boy, but i hope it's a girl! it just seems harder to get pregnant with a girl! ;)

okay, your bump is so small! too cute!

Kristen Borland said...

play date this week? maybe michelle won't flake on us this time. hee, hee. i can say that because i know she's not blogging much these days!

I am Katy, said...

A play date sounds like fun. I've had a cold since last Friday, that's why we missed the parenting conference :(. I'm hoping I'm over this soon. Maybe we could plan for this Friday or next week?

Alicia said...

I think a girl who has dark hair, then you will both have your "mini-me" :). Really, I can see it both ways totally. I'll be excited to hear your news.
I saw your profile comments and wanted to say, I've heard so many good things about that Daniel study. Trish W. and the ladies group did it a while ago. I'm glad it has been a means of growing for you. I hope to do it someday.
17 weeks! That's near half way! Do you do sit ups normally? How do you do that? Seriously, I want to know your secret!!

Andrea said...

I'm guessing a girl. You look great! I'm envious =) I can't wait to find out what your having!

Kristen Borland said...

friday won't work. :( let's shoot for next week.

A thankful heart said...

yippeee!! I'm thinking a sweet baby girl...but let me just say that I absolutely love love love having TWO boys!! They are such a blast...really:) Either way I'm sure Patrick will be a doting brother! You look are you feeling??

Our family did the Daniel study and it was prettty wonderful and was great though:) I hope you're getting a ton out of it too!!

We hope we'll be able to see you again before you have this little bundle!!

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